I pulled these pieces that had been shipped back from the Iowa Artisan's Gallery in Iowa City--to show a friend who came over for lunch on Sunday. I left them out as a reminder that I need five pieces for an exhibit in Montreal in March, and another piece for an exhibit in Massachusetts that also begins in March. There are five pieces there--one of them hasn't been framed yet--
Hannah and the Sunflower. So which one should I send to Massachusetts?
I have to start a new piece this weekend with the hope of finishing it by the Montreal exhibit and having it ready to exhibit (mounted, framed, photographed, etc.). Before Baby I'd need a solid month of dedicated beading to get a piece done. I've only done one piece since Hannah arrived--and that took me four months--eek! And October and November were dedicated to finishing it since I had a deadline.
My options: I can ask 13 moons to send another piece, I can borrow
Dreamer of Dreams from my sister (again) for the exhibit, I can make a small piece. Also, I have ideas finally brewing for two pieces I've promised friends--I'd really like to fulfill those promises--but if I get started on those pieces, I may not finish them in time for the Montreal show (it is only a week long--so I could exhibit the work and give it to them afterwards--I'll see if they think that's a good idea or not).
Hannah has a cold--so I've only thought a lot about this dilemma, but not done anything about it yet.