I'm really, really behind in posting to the blog. So, I will do my best to get caught up. All in one post. At the end of May I taught at the
San Gabriel Bead Company in Arcadia, California (30 miles outside of L.A.). If you're ever in the vicinity (like west of the Rocky Mountains), make a detour to see the shop--it is huge and has every bead and bead related item available. Not only that--but Kelly Thompson who owns and runs the store really understands beaders. She has great class room space! I want to go out again to take classes. I had a good group of students and we had a lot of fun over the three days. Hannah and Kelly came with me and they managed to have a good time, too (despite Hannah getting really sick with the flu on Saturday night--thank goodness for Children's Hospital and their on-call nursing staff--they helped us get through it).

Then there was the
Estes Park Wool Market in Estes Park, Colorado--good fun for the whole family. Hannah came up with me thanks (seriously--thank you!) to the help of my parents and Kelly's mom and aunt who watched her while I was working in the booth.
Here's a photo of my friend and colleague, Liz, teaching a kiddo how to spin on a CD spindle. With a hat and poncho like that she's destined to become a great crafter. Reminds me of the outfits I wore as kid--not to mention some of the things I made!

After that there was just enough time to finish Melinda's tiara in time for her June 30th wedding. I got it done about a week ahead of time so she was able to take it to her hairdresser's to practice the updo. Sadly for me her wedding was during Convergence, so I didn't get to go--but I'm sure it was beautiful and I look forward to hearing all about it when she gets back from her honeymoon! The tiara is actually two small combs wrapped with wire with beads. I celebrated my 37th birthday on Tuesday and then on Wednesday I went to
Convergence! I was not looking forward to being away from Kelly and Hannah for five days and I had been working on saving up enough milk for Hannah since March--so I was a little stressed out about having enough milk before leaving and getting everything done that needed to get done before I left (wrapping up stuff at work, getting ready for SWA meetings at Convergence, and preparing for my two classes there). That said--I had a great time. It was a slower paced Convergence than years past--and I liked not being crowded everywhere--but it had ramifications for the Market.

The exhibits that I saw were very nicely put together and the work was inspirational. I loved running into people I know in between events, at the market, and in coffee shops. The best part was participating in
Lindsay Obermeyer's The
Red Thread Project. Lindsay organized the making of over 700 hats that were connected together with a thick, knitted red cord and then arranged in a spiral in a park in Grand Rapids. We were invited to partipate (just had to sign a photo release) by putting on hats and dancing with the group. The idea is that people are all connected. The project raises awareness and money for cancer treatments. To see all of my photos from this event, click
here. This is me and Vicki--I think that's Sunita's elbow in the photo--Liz is taking the photo.

Now I'm back home (it was so good to come home!) and working on my staff project for
Interweave Crochet's
Fall issue--I have to finish it by the 13th of July--our photo shoot. I sat out on the back porch in the early morning light yesterday for a bit and worked on it.
Oh! And my sister's baby is due any day now! Speaking of babies--
Stephanie (aka Yarn Harlot) had a great post about
breastfeeding and a campaign to make baby hats to give to new mothers to encourage a nutritious start to feeding. I'm going to make a hat or two! As a nursing mother, I just want to say "here, here!" (or is it "hear, hear!"?) to Stephanie and also fight off the temptation to call her up and ask for advice on how to deal with Hannah's new desire to use her new teeth on everything, including the precious source of her milk. I called the lactation specialist at the hospital where Hannah was born--so we'll see what they say when they return my call.