The big exciting news here is that my sister had her baby! Little William (after our grandfather who died in March) his middle name is Austen after Jane Austen. Julia was born on Jane Austen's birthday, 195 years later. I'm kind of late reporting this to the blog. July 14th was the big day--I got to be there taking photos (from a discrete angle). Hannah was there, too--just not during the actual delivery--she waited with my dad and brother and Eric's brother's family while William was being born. Kelly was at the race track--but he got to meet William on Saturday.

I'm nearly done with Heidi's Iris--two meetings at work yesterday, back to back, each running over by 1/2 an hour and long to begin with helped a lot. I'm almost touching the edges on the three remaining sides. This is always an exciting time in my beadwork--I announce it excitedly to Kelly--who is always appreciative, but who doesn't share the excitement that I feel. And of course appearing to be close to the edges and actually reaching them and covering them with beads means hours more beading--but still--it is exciting. Really.