Sew pictures together using the zig zag feature on your sewing machine. |
I have a hard time throwing things away--especially the drawing that my daughters make. They are amazing! I love them! But, I've filled three bins with drawings and at this rate, we'll need additional space if we're going to keep them all. So, I've started figuring out ways to reuse them (here's another way,
Making Gift Bags).
You can also make envelopes by folding paper and sewing it closed on one end. |
Making wrapping paper out of the drawings is super easy. The hard part is getting your children to agree to let their artwork be used in this way. We went through the bin together to choose pieces that could be used as wrapping paper. I explained that this was a great way to share their art with people they love and also recycle.
To make wrapping paper out of children's drawings (or any paper you want to recycle, for that matter)--set up your sewing machine for a zig zag stitch and thread it with the thread color of your choice. As the paper gets bigger, roll it up so that it will fit through the sewing machine. Trim your threads (or not, depending on the look you're going for), and then wrap presents.
You could use glue instead of sewing the pictures together, but I found the glue a little harder to work with--also it doesn't fold as easily as the stitched seams. |