again, Amos (Carol's cat), Amy (Ah-me), Andy, apple, baa (sheep), baby, ball, banana, bat, bath (bash), bathroom, bead, beep (microwave), belly, Ben, bib, birdie, bite, bless you, boobies, boot, bottle, boy, Brendon, Briahnna (Nanna), brush, bubbles, bus, buttons, ,bye-bye, cake, chai, choo choo (train or truck), clock (cluck cluck with her tongue), coat, cold, come on, cookie (tootie), cry, cute, daddy, dance, dirty, doggie, dolly, done, down, duck, ear, eat, eggs, Elmo, eye, fishie, foot, froggie, gentle, glasses, go,hair, hand, Hannah, happy (means birthday or cake), hat, head, heart, hee haw (donkey), Helen, hello (means phone), hi!, ho ho (santa), home, hoo hoo (owl), hop (grasshopper), hot, house, ice, itty bitty (means spider--ee bee), juice, Julia, kiss, kitty (also means to draw), knee, knitting, lady, lid, light, lion, loud,Lulu, mail, mama, man (means snowman and gingerbread man as well), medecine, mess, mine, mitten (mitt), mommie (means "I want it!"), money, moo-moo (cow), moon, more (mo), mouse, mouth, naughty, needle, neigh (horse), Nemo (emo), night night (nigh nigh--means sleep and blankets), no!, noise, nose, off, oh (cherrios), on, oops!, open, Oscar, out,owie, Pat, pee, people, piano, piece, pizza, plane, plate, play, please (pease), pocket, poopie, potty, pretty, puppy, purse, push, read, robe, rock, run, Shelly, shoe, shoes, sit, snow, spoon, stuck, Suzie, swing (means slide and park), tail, tea, teeth, that, three, tickle tickle, toast, toe, toes, too, towel, toys, trash, turtle, two, tylenol (ta-nol), uh oh, up (and uppie), walk, water, whale, what's that, what's this, wow, yay!, yeah, yes, zantac.
The ramblings and photos of a fairytale-loving, spinning-, knitting-, beading-, weaving-, felting-, embroidering-, writer-, Montessori-passionate, fulltime-working-mom and wife, among other things. Who am I kidding? I'm never going to have time to post.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Saturday, February 03, 2007
We can preorder the Harry Potter book 7!
Also, I found this delightful blog and it contains pages of a beautiful baby dancing around with the most amazing hand-made toys. So last night after work, I hauled my sewing machine out of the basement. We're making toys today!
I've made some progress on Anne's pin--but obviously didn't get it done in a week as I had hoped! Oh well--that's the way it goes. Hannah caught a cold (she's better now), work is super busy (Spin-Off goes to press on Valentine's Day--how romantic!), and it keeps snowing all the time--making my commuting hours longer. It is beautiful, though, the winter landscape.
I better go--Hannah's unloading my framing drawer in my office, bringing me one frame at a time.
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