Okay--so I totally missed July--in terms of blogging, that is. Sorry about that. It was a good month--just very full. Not a lot of time left to sit down and ponder it all.
Events in July:
Two races.
Two birthdays.
Two beaded pieces.
(I finished Hannah in Helen's Hands and picked up Lady Godiva again after setting it aside for several months to work on HiH.) I tried to get Lady Godiva done for an exhibit, but didn't succeed. I shipped them two pieces that were already completed, though.
One exhibit.
Two magazines (well, technically--the second one doesn't go to press until Wednesday, but the bulk of the work was done in July).
Two days in the mountains.
Many trips to the playground, the zoo, the swingset in the back yard, making mudpies, reading books.
One new school for Hannah.
Two Books--The Hundred Secret Senses by Amy Tan and Austenland by Shannon Hale--both really good.
I worked on yarn--yarn that ended up being too thin or to thick--and finally was just right. Whew!
Here's my favorite chair to sit on the back porch with a little fiber to pat while watching the sun come up.
Something inexplicable happened to it yesterday while I was working at home. In the early morning I took a photo of yarn on the table next to it and it was fine--and this is what it looked that evening. I think an animal attacked it. At first I thought a cat fight happened in it (quite a few neighborhood cats like to roam through our yard)--but there was no extra cat hair around it (no more than usual)--and it wasn't moved from it's normal spot. Maybe a rabid squirrel decided it had had quite enough of canvas? I don't know. I'm off to the fabric store to buy canvas to replace the seat.
How odd to have a chair attacked. Well, you never know what roams through your yard. We were awakened a few years ago with barking, cat growls and screams of anger as well as some other earthly sounding hollers and protests as well as angry chitters, almost squirrel like in sound but booming. Turned out to be to huge racoons trying to get grapes off the vine as they ripened. Boy, did that make the cat and dog mad at them. It was a ruckus for awhile!
I've also seen fox and coyotes on the green belt and smelled skunk.
Hi Mary,
We have all those nocturnal animals in our neighborhood--but since this happened sometime between 7 am and 5 pm and I was home most of the time with the back door open--it is very strange.
I think it was a cat because the claw marks on either side of the chair are wide apart--not close together like a squirrel.
You know how cats can have moments when they just go nuts and start zooming around for no reason at all? That's what I'm imagining. If it was a cat fight there would have been tufts of hair.
I have the fabric and will be working on replacement seating today.
See you,
your beading is really amazing! glad to have found your blog!
a wonderful blog! thanks so much for sharing
Just found your blog. I would put money on a squirrel. We have had our patio furniture taken apart by a squirrel to use in their nest.
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