I finished Hannah's Autumn sweater--only to realize that it didn't fit well (see how far down the neckline goes? And it was falling off her shoulders), so I've ripped it out (well, just the collar and button band) and am reworking it (oh, and I had to spin more yarn for it). I have about an inch of beading left to do on the Godiva piece, but no, I haven't finished it yet. And my Dad's sweater? Yep, I'm still working on it.
In my work life I have accomplished a lot--went to press with Felt in mid-July, then Fall 2008 Spin-Off at the beginning of August, then edited a book project August-September while getting as far ahead on the Winter 2008 Spin-Off as I could and getting ready for SOAR. At the beginning of October I helped host SOAR in the Poconos in Pennsylvania, then came back to go to press with the Winter issue two weeks later, and now I'm trying to get caught up with everything and get the Spring 2009 issue underway.
I did take a little time off (a long weekend) and went to visit a friend who just had her third baby and got lots of snugly baby time. We drove through Colorado, Utah, Arizona and Nevada to get there--gorgeous scenery. Hannah was a real trooper and traveled so well that it was a fun trip. She was telling Granddad all about the snow we saw--snow on the mountains, snow in the sky, snow on the roads. She kept asking if it was winter time.
But for me, the biggest news is that I'm so happy as a result of the elections, that I'm actually skipping around--walking on air. I haven't felt this happy about the results of an election since Jimmy Carter was elected, and I was in the third or fourth grade when that happened.