Amanda got the SOAR blog up and running! You can visit the SOAR blog at
http://www.soarblog.com/ or by clicking on the SOAR button in the lower left bar of this page.

As I've mentioned before, I very much like Stephanie's Yarn Harlot blog. It is at
http://www.yarnharlot.ca/blog/ (and I added a button/link to it in the left bar of this site as well).

And ... my professional Bead Embroidery site has launched! You may visit it at
http://www.amyclarkemoore.com/ or link to it from the button in the left column. Website designer, Heidi Leech, did a fabulous job with it.
If you would like to link to this Sixflyingswans site, I've made a button that you can use on your blog. Here is the image to use and please link it to this page (
http://www.sixswansflying.blogspot.com/). Please let me know if you are linking to me, and perhaps I can return the favor!

If you'd like to knit the onesie I made for
Hannah, here is a pdf of the instructions,
http://www.interweave.com/spin/projects/onsie.pdf. I'll put this button on my side bar so that you can find it easily in the future, too.

Okay--just one more--Spin-Off magazine!
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