I hope you're enjoying a good start to your New Year. My Christmas was one of the most peaceful and relaxing I can remember in a long time. Strangely enough, I think it was the massive amounts of snow that we got that helped contribute to that. Here's Hannah checking out the first snow on December 21. I had to give in to the snow and it was nice. I took a week off of work and it was great to have time to get things done and recharge for the New Year. I spent a lot of time playing with Hannah. I got a lot of crafting done watching snow. I spent time with my Grandma Barr who was visiting from Kansas (though her trip was shortened on both ends because of our 2 blizzards). She did leave us with a pile of gingerbread men and pecan tassies. Hannah asks for a "man" and plays and talks with him until she finishes eating him.
I worked on scanning in images of my Grandfather from the boards my Aunt and mom put together for his funeral in March and at the same time worked on Hannah's sweater. I'll think of these images every time I pick up her sweater--they are now intertwined.

I spun the top promptly on returning from SOAR where I purchased it from Cameleon Colorworks--it is their autumn color way in Bluefaced Leicester--I love it! I was able to do the spinning in two evenings. It spun up like a dream. I promptly ordered more (which I haven't spun yet--but I'm looking forward to it). I started Hannah's sweater, domino squares on my domino needles and am designing it as I go.
I worked on Clotho's Thread (I'm almost done!). I helped Kelly shovel snow. I read books (I finished the second in Pamela Aidan's series about Fitzwilliam Darcy--the hero from Pride and Prejudice--very good once I got into it--and started Wolfskin by Juliet Mariller).

We got more snow--on December 29th--another 10 inches or so and then on January 4th we got another 10 or so inches! Today it snowed a bit, but only 1 or 2 inches--so it is manageable. I feel like I'm back in Iowa!
I love Hannah looking at the snow. I also like the new picture you've beaded. Have to ask how you are doing the spindle that it will only take 10 hours.
Hi Mary,
Hannah loves the snow--good thing! I just looked out this morning and see we have more! She calls it "No!" but with a slight inflection so we know she's saying "Snow!"
The 10-hour spindle is only 1.93 x 2 inches big. I've learned that it takes me 2.5 hours to bead a square inch--so it will take me 9.65 or so to bead this one. I've put a little over 5 hours into it so far--so didn't get in my hour per day that I was hoping to do this week--but maybe I can make up for that today.
I hope you're well!
See you,
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