The opening was really fun because a group of people who I haven't seen in a long time since I moved to Loveland and then to Denver from Fort Collins, came to the opening. They have kids who were 5 and 7 and now are 15 and 17 and taller than me and looking like beautiful adults--how does that happen? Of course there is never enough time to talk to everyone at an opening. I did meet some friends of Robin Atkins who have known her for over 40 years and then it turns out that I grew up in the same neighborhood and went to the same high school as their kids, but just a couple years before--it is a small world.

Been thinking about you, and decided to check your blog... can't believe I haven't checked it for so long... didn't even know about this opening. And, I'm soooo curious... who did you meet that knew me 40 years ago? Was is Dik Munson, art professor? I went to college with him.
On a different subject, I'd like to invite you to consider participating in The Bead Journal Project! You can read about it here or here. The idea came from the Quilt Journal Project (here). What do you think? Can you make the time for it? I hope so, as it would be great to know you were working on it at the same time as I...
Took a quick peek, thought you'd like to see this
check out the link for carol shinn here.
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